Supported Petri Net Types

With P/T-Nets, CPNs, and IF-Nets, the SEPIA framework supports different Petri net types. P/T-Nets are basic Petri nets consisting of places and transitions. CPNs extend P/T-Nets by distinguishable token colors and IF-Nets add subjects to the net’s context and add security clearances for token colors, subjects, and transitions.

An explicit definition of all supported net types can be found in the following publication: Thomas Stocker, Frank Böhr: IF-Net: A Meta-Model for Security-Oriented

Process Specification. Security and Trust Management, Springer, 2013.

However all of them build upon the same abstract class AbstractPetriNet. Using Java Generics the Petri net component types can be defined as subclasses of AbstractPlace, AbstractTransition, AbstractFlowRelation, and AbstractMarking. Figure 1 shows the inheritance structure of all Petri net classes.


Figure 1: Inheritance hierarchy of the Petri net classes.